Do you smell that...(sniff)..(sniff)...I think it's a come back
Posted: Jan. 16, 2008
Even before the PC version released, rumours of a PS3 conversion of the stunning Crysis (developed by Far Cry creators Crytek) were rife, and not far off the mark if insiders at the studio are to be believed. The game looks to be a port of the PC original plus some extra modes and features, a kind of Crysis 1.5. Like the PC game you can expect a visual powerhouse; an open-world shooter that begins on a beautiful tropical island before things take a turn for the worse and aliens from a parallel world stake a claim on Earth. Only the mighty Killzone 2 could possibly hold a candle to this shooter. For technical reasons we hear an Xbox 360 version of Crysis isn't in development. Bet you're glad you bought a PS3 now, eh?
My Thoughts
With my last post suggesting to everyone who's interested in a Blu-ray player to get a PlayStation 3 and talked a little bit about gamers. Well let's just say there's one more game to add to the list I previously mentioned, Crysis. This is getting interesting due to technical issues with the XBOX 360 there is no development for an XBOX 360 version. That has got to hurt the XBOX 360 buyers because they're really into first person shooters but can't get this one. I'm only saying this because of the Halo 3 sales that set records for the fastest selling game. Since Killzone 2 was shown and from what I've seen this game can actually rival Killzone 2. There was actually a Crysis vs. Haze Visual Comparision at one point. With the Unreal Tournament 3 game running and looking good compared to the PC (Personal Computer) version it's like a medium / high settings. While Sony has been taking some hard hits in the first year it's finally here when Sony will show their guns and surpass Microsoft's console sales. I'm not sure about you guys but I'm really looking forward to this title plus the PlayStation 3 will get extra features not seen on the PC counterpart. Bring on Crysis 1.5 I'm ready, are you?
Mental Note: This was my blog and I ported it over to the forums.
Since there's so much comments I'll just say what I think about Crysis on the PlayStation 3. I think the PlayStation 3 has more of a chance of delivering what the PC (Personal Computer) experience because they can load a lot on the Blu-ray disc plus the system does streaming right. On the XBOX 360 if doesn't stream like the PlayStation 3 so that means you can use less RAM (Ramdom Access Memory) if done correctly. With multithreading I also think it's done way more better than the XBOX 360 because each synergistic processing element (SPE) has its own fast memory for true parallel processing. This and its unique memory design make the Cell Broadband Engine more powerful and more efficient than traditional single core and multi-core processors for many types of processing. Unique multi-core architectural design features a main Power Processing Element (PPE) and up to eight Synergistic Processing Elements (SPE).
So in other words if you can't get the same experience it will come pretty close if done right because Killzone 2 and Heavy Rain: The Origami Killerare good examples of both of these elements done right. The detail in Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer is looking really amazing that Sony is calling it a ground breaking title. With Killzone 2 they're having advanced environments with weather effects, physics, motion blurr / depth, volumetric layering, scriped A.I. but react to your actions, post processing, dynamic enironments / sounds etc. So even though a game like BioShock was on the XBOX 360 it would've been a lot better on the PlayStation 3 because the water effects with volumetric particle layering (I think it's called that) the water looks way better in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
Crysis: Advanced Shader Techology/Heavy Rain: Origami Killer: real-time tears / wrinkles on the face, advanced skin shades
Mental Note: This just a comment I made and thought I would post it here so correct me if I'm wrong with an explanation because I want to know why of course.
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