They're saying that they are bringing the Crytech engine to consoles. Thats awsome. The developers know how great a game Crysis was....and so does EA. Now why would they be able to bring the game engine that Crysis used to consoles, but not be able to bring the actual game of Crysis to consoles just as well? EA knows that not everybody would spend there money on the game because not a lot of people have $4000 computers. Not too mention that Crysis costs $50 on PC. So, knowing EA, I doubt they're agenst the idea of bringing an amazing game that can rack in lots of money to the PS3. The system itself is more than capable, and even if they have to 'dumb down' the graphics a bit for it to work properly the game would still look beautiful. Not to mention EA would be able to knock the price of the game up by $10.
Conclusion: I think EA is more than likly going to at some point bring Crysis to PS3 and MABYE the X360 as well. I'm not sure, but why can we have a game like Far Cry 2 (which to my knowledge will not be dumb down on consoles like Far Cry Instincts was) on PS3 but not Crysis, which would likly bring in more money.
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