Ok here is the deal. I am tired of playing without a clan in games, but at the same time I don't want to have to be in a clan that has a weekly practice or some BS like that or deal with some kid yelling racial slurs or game slurs such as noob(I got called a noob the first day warhawk came out and I told the dumbA** that we are all noobs). Anyway,I am in college so my time is limited but at the same time it would be cool if I could meet with some over 18 people or just mature people to play some games with and work the crowd. So....
This is why I made Da Crew. Da Crew is a clan for all games and systems. I would like to have someone that makes a clan under each game that is online and even each system. I just have Warhawk and Vegasgoing but if someone has RFOM going or any other online game going let meknow and I will add it to our list.Also if you have a 360 you can even make a branch for that clan. Currently my clan on Warhawk is the La-le-lu-li-lo so if you want to be part of that just send me your ID. Remember, anyone can join there is no try-outs or anything like that. It is just a good clan for people who enjoy games and want to know the people they play with.If people do not like that name I am up for suggestions.
The ways you can sign up are two ways. First, you can just list your PSN ID here and I can add you. Two, you can add me with my PSN ID and message me about it. Also I have a Facebook group called Da Crew. It is a private group so you will have to find me on facebook and ask me about it. The Facebook group will be cool as far as contact goes because instead of messaging everyone on PS3 or forums you can just put stuff on the group page. My name is Antoine Jamell Mincy and I go to Mercer college in Macon. So, you can search for that.
With all that said I hope this picks up and becomes pretty big. If not, tah well I got school anyway.
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