Alright so for the last year now I have been hooked into my PS3 is gonna be great in Fall of 07 and people will start buying the system. Now I feel cheated as a loyal gamer since PS1 days, the crap just keeps piling on.
For starters all my buddies got 360's and I told them they were foolish and to wait for the PS3, now I'm the fool. While they had been playing their exclusives and had games I wanted to play I waited for the PS3. When it was released warhawk, lair, heavenly sword, and motorstorm all games that were supposedly launch titles slowly got delayed further and further back.At least I had my Resistance (It was a great game)..............I remember playing Gears on my buddies 50 inch Plasma on Live with other friends and being blown away and not to mention realizing how muchI missed that rumble, it takes me back to the good ol goldeneye days! Motorstorm came out played it for a bit but got bored, would have been great if it supported 4 person off line and if the levels were more unique. Finally the long wait was over for warhawk and I have to say the game is a lot of fun, but the voice chat is horrible the connecting and playing with friends is not an option (no invites or way to talk over the PS3). Heavenly sword was a ray of hope and I myself loved the game, sadly it was over much quicker then I would have liked and the game was much to easy to run through. Oh then there's lair..........I'm not even going to go there.
So now I sit here with my system that was $600.00,(thats now 500.00) hearing rumble is comming this Spring, which is a good thing but a lil to latesince i Bought my 3 extra controllers. Then there is the fact of exclusives like GTA4, Assasins Creed, the ifish Haze (timed or maybe exclusives), the games that if Sony was smart and kept them exclusives (even at a cost) would blow this system up. Granted the big hitters MG4 and Killzone 2 are comming and I want them to be quality games so I am fine with them comming when they are polished and ready but where is my big hitter for this fall/christmas season. I know someone will say Uncharted (10 hour game be done in a week)or Ratchet and Clankand most likely I will pick them up but where is that wow factor?BTW I don't count multi platform games as ones to be excited for because if I got a 360 I could play them as well.
Now another key feature of the PS3 that was interesting was home, for me I could care less. The thing is for some its a huge selling point and I think it would bring interest to the system. Now thats been delayed to who knows when. The Playstation network it's self hasn't been that great with lag issues, voice chat issues and lack of communication abilities. I know it's free but dam somethings may be worth paying for at this point until they address the major concerns people have and then make it free.
Now the 360 on the other hand, let me tell you I'm not thrilled about it either. Besides the fact that Microsoft is cheap and can't even make changes to the system to stop the fail rate issues, making a 3 year warranty doesn't cover it (I want my system just like the PS1 & 2 tolast the whole lifespan of the systems years,until xbox 3 and ps4), they did'nt ionclude backwards compatability, no wifi on the supposed elite, force you to pay $170.00 for an upgraded harddrive (ps3 any harddrive you want can be put in), their system doesnt come with a recharger for controllers, HDD not included (for the future of gaming the blue-ray has the storage space to crush HDD), no slots for SD and other media, and to top it off their offensive attack to destroy any of their competitors by buying and buying moreexclusives and taking those exclusives from PS3. So in cost of systems for a total of around $600.00, you get a 360 elite (350.00) + wifi (80.00)+ HDD (170.00), the same price a 80 gig ps3 cost with everything there and more.
Then there is 3rd party support. 3rd party especially UBISOFT have ported such crap ports over. With such a slow start to a system this is the last thing PS3 needs. 3rd party support is almost not even there but now that support that could be there is saying they are going to focus more on the Wii!!!!!!! Sony needs to focus on building better relations so that people want to develop for them. One thing Microsoft knows how to do is build something that is easy to use, program and play on a key feature that Sony should know by now. Developers love programming on the 360 and have said it is easy since the beggining, why didn't sony invest in making sure the same would be true for the PS3?
The surprise of all is the Wii, while I find it as a gimmick that will fade there is something to be learned. A library of a few pickup and play games with some friends/family/parties are great adds to any collection and only Nintendo has figured that out. Sony coul.d take a fewpointers from the wii and add that sixaxis into some really fun party type games.
So in conclusion I am sad to say a system that is built crappy is going to get my money because I am a gamer and I am sick of waiting to play games and I would'nt advise my friends to buy a system that most of the games I want play are going multi platform, when they already were smart and got the 360 to play GAMES! It all comes down to games. So now I hope sony can pull their head from between their legsand fix this crap because I'm sick of the lies and the betyrayal I feel.
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