Seeing that the Dark Void demo finally hit PSN today, I was curious on everyone's thoughts on it. I've been following this game since it was first unveiled due to it's interesting premise and concept. However, this demo leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.
First off, flying around with the jetpack is somehow kind of fun, but sort of bland at the same time. Controlling yourself while in full flight is a simple thing if you've ever played a flight game. Unfortunately, I feel that there's really no sense of speed while flying. Despite being a man with a rocketpack, it feels like I'm only traveling 10 mph; though that might be due to the large open environment of the level. Also, pulling off quick maneuvers like an immelmann turn or a quick barrel roll to the side seems needlessly complicated. It requires pushing/holding in the right stick (R3), and move both analog sticks in certain directions at the same time.
The gunplay is a mixed bag. The jetpack guns feel great, and it's satisfying shooting down enemies in the air (despite the difficulty of hitting constantly moving targets at times). On the ground though, aside from the default rifle and grenades, most of the rest of the weapons in the demo just aren't all that fun to use. They just lack that umph when you're landing shots. It also doesn't help that the AI of ground enemies are pretty braindead most times; at least half of them I just ran up to and bashed their face in with melee.
Well, I don't want to make this too long. After playing the demo, my gut feeling says rent first. I'd love it for the full game to turn out otherwise, but who knows at this point considering we're only a couple weeks away from release. So what are your thoughts on Dark Void?
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