The reason I didn't stay focused on FTB is because I'm not an FPS fan, but the online aspects thrill me to the utter bone.
I jump like a willey (or at least I did) when I went online. Anyway I played the crap out of it to the point where the gaming juices ran dry, I got out of it and tried to get back into the game but now I suck like a blowfish on steroids. Then going away for easter weekend was **** because I had nothing single player to entertain me other than some demos - and it was the car ride of the century - like no other.
 Now I'm big on simulations and sandboxes, so maybe pirates is my ho-diggity. Harvest moon was a craze of mine like a black lookin for crack. However the bloodhounds demo I foreswallowed was fun and I'd imagine Daxter to be that x10.
 No. x11.
Then I love the creativity aspects of Lumines like the synthesizer thing, and it seems like the kind of game that'd last me forever, like I could just start it up and play it at any time and really enjoy it.
So we have one thats genre is one I'm obsessed with (Pirates) one that I think would last me forever (Lumines II) and one that is overall recommended and sticks out to me like a boner in sweatpants (Daxter)
Please someone show me the light.
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