I was just wondering if games that only offer online game play and are totally void of any type of single and/or multiplayer campaigns are a mistake. I'm not knocking either of the above mentioned titles, honestly I have never played them, they were the only examples I could think of for my question.
There are many games that offer online play, however we all know based on how well the game performs determines whether or not the servers remain up, thus making it possible to even play it online or not. Depending on when you decide to get into the game, you may not have much of an opportunity to play it before they shut it down, leaving it a barren virtual world. Also, what about resale value, if the servers are shut down then there's no real reason to buy the game, is there?
I may be completely ignorant in regard to the whole situation, I am really just wondering. Any advice and or feedback would be appreciated.
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