I'm a new (last 6 months) PS3 owner and just got into the great games on this console. Not big into multiplayer, but big into CRPGs (Bioware) and the old JRPGs.
Should I buy or rent Demon's Souls? Basically, is it more than 30 hours? And are those 30 hours worth owning?
Demon's Souls in anywhere in between 40-60 hours to complete. Of course, the game can be played multiple times because different events are unlocked depending on if you play as a good guy or bad guy, or if the world is "bad" or "good". This is known as world and player tendencies and they essentially unlock special events and such.
So yes, Demon's Souls is a very good purchase. There is no way in hell you will get much out of it from a rental.
I am just like you-- I dont like really short games, but long games can also be boring. Demon's Souls is certainly not boring and it's the first RPG that I've become addicted to
Nevermind the multiple play throughs b/c of pure black tendency or pure white... while cool, they only support the REAL reason for multiple play throughs. New Game +, New Game ++, and New Game +++. When you beat the game, you start over with the same character, all of your inventory, all of your magic, and all of your char levels.... so you're building up your character even more. And b/c of the world tendencies, and the choices you have to make on spending Demon Souls... it's impossible to get everything in one play through... you'll have to make choices b/w ultimate weapons or magic... or spending a Demon Sould might limit you to just one ultimate weapon & you miss out on another... Plus the enemies get tougher on subsequent play throughs and give you even more souls... so the game just gives you multiple reasons to keep coming back. It truly is addictive.
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