How similar do you expect these games to be. I'm afraid that since it is not a sequel it may be too different and miss some of what makes demon's souls so great.
From the short trailer we've seen, PD looks and plays like DS. Now of course, I'm not going to base all of my conclusions on that short clip, as it didn't really reveal anything other than a few seconds of game play, but as far as I can tell, PD will be a pseudo-DS2 -- just maybe without the whole "soul gathering" element.
Looks to be about the same in gameplay from the VERY short clip I've seen. However, Project Dark is going to be a multiplat, so I'm really hoping we don't find it to be an inferior game on the PS3 compared to the 360.
maybe they will focus on something different, but using the same engine as demons souls. Demons Souls agreat game, it be awesome if Project Dark is a side story, a bigger side story to Demons Souls
I can't wait for this game. It is probably the game I am most looking forward to besides maybe LA Noire. Demon's Souls was an awesome game and the PvP was excellent and innovative. I don't know how they could make it any better on console.
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