[QUOTE="haze_blaze"][QUOTE="Sokol4ever"] I really have a hard time realising which game will do better.
If people give Demon's Soul a chance I have a good feeling it will be excellent in sales, on the other hand we already have tried and true JRPG formula that is made by respectable developer - Level 5.
However, Atlus handling Demon's Soul is no cakewalk.
I do not know which game will do better but I know one thing for sure.
Both of those excellent titles are on my must own list. I'm hungry for quality (J)RPG's. Eternal Sonata barely hold me off. I'm happy good Role Playing games are finally on the way..
They sure took their sweet time..
(Goes back to Persona 4). :)
I think WKC will probably sell better. DS is coming out during a busy season... and Alpha Protocol is coming out the same day as well, so some of its sales will be split. your right...thats why i wasnt worried about not finding a copy...but then again it does kinda suck how its going to drop when a lot of games are coming threw during the next few months
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