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Yes I did notice. But the thing is, the chef kills that Snake. hmmm that secret ending that everybody is talking might make some sense now.AgentH
Wait wait wait.... what's this 'secret ending' nonsense all of a sudden? Did I miss something?The_Pig_Hostage
(SPOILER ALERT) there's a rumour that 6 months after the game release(which is snake's life time left) if you finish the game u'll get a different ending.. :) if this happens to be truth.. i think mgs4 will definitely become a masterpiece.. :)
[QUOTE="The_Pig_Hostage"]Wait wait wait.... what's this 'secret ending' nonsense all of a sudden? Did I miss something?SollidSnake_
(SPOILER ALERT) there's a rumour that 6 months after the game release(which is snake's life time left) if you finish the game u'll get a different ending.. :) if this happens to be truth.. i think mgs4 will definitely become a masterpiece.. :)
most likely a continuing to what happened in the end of MGS4.
[QUOTE="SollidSnake_"][QUOTE="The_Pig_Hostage"]Wait wait wait.... what's this 'secret ending' nonsense all of a sudden? Did I miss something?AgentH
(SPOILER ALERT) there's a rumour that 6 months after the game release(which is snake's life time left) if you finish the game u'll get a different ending.. :) if this happens to be truth.. i think mgs4 will definitely become a masterpiece.. :)
most likely a continuing to what happened in the end og MGS4.
lol yes ofcourse..
/spoiler/ after thinking about it i think it will be showing snake on his death bed with loved ones then otacon goes and spreads the word of snake but nobody believes in the conspiracy except a few which might be the next guy for the game. thats one way id kindve want to see, it would still be cool to see raven say pass him to the next world or sumtinjojothekid
He did say that he will be a witness. Damn it I think it's true now!
[QUOTE="The_Pig_Hostage"]Wait wait wait.... what's this 'secret ending' nonsense all of a sudden? Did I miss something?bodokai
you did
Wow, I posted a thread a few weeks ago about that "Voice of God" thing, and everyone seemed in agreement that it was just in reference to a brief clip after the Mantis fight. And now people think it's something far bigger apparently... It would be crazy if it actually turns out to be true.
the chef says "thissnakes life", maybe im looking into it to much but could this be a reference to raiden in the next game (which every1 seems to thnk is gunna happen) because in MGS2 he goes with the name Solid Snake for a little while?
Why do you always want to include Raiden in everything!!? It's SNAKE and SNAKE story only! We love SNAKE and HATE THAT girl :D
Snake shouldn't die from old age. Someone should kill him cuz that would help build up a story for a new game (I thought it would be sweet if it was Big Boss or Hal turns evil and kills him, lol). I hope after this new ending, if it's real, that they have that black screen with the codec conversation that twists everything around like at the end of MGS2. Something like: "Well, it seems Snake has passed the simulation" or something ****ed up like that.
Snake shouldn't die from old age. Someone should kill him cuz that would help build up a story for a new game (I thought it would be sweet if it was Big Boss or Hal turns evil and kills him, lol). I hope after this new ending, if it's real, that they have that black screen with the codec conversation that twists everything around like at the end of MGS2. Something like: "Well, it seems Snake has passed the simulation" or something ****ed up like that.
I always thought Otacon would turn on Snake at some point in the game but it never happened. He is a real friend!
[QUOTE="zman_786"]the chef says "thissnakes life", maybe im looking into it to much but could this be a reference to raiden in the next game (which every1 seems to thnk is gunna happen) because in MGS2 he goes with the name Solid Snake for a little while?
Why do you always want to include Raiden in everything!!? It's SNAKE and SNAKE story only! We love SNAKE and HATE THAT girl :D
I think you mean YOU love snake
talk for yourself
i liked raiden since mgs 2 :
:P, did you notice in one of the TV channels that your able to watch when you start a new game at MGS4, in the one that has a man cooking some delicious looking things (lol) and a woman hosting the show, and in the final part of the cinematic the man is holding down a snake for another man to cut and he says "This is the last chapter of this snake's life".. :D only noticed the link now.. (well i didnt pay much attention to the sequence before so..).. and you guys? noticed it? (and here i think is the confirmation to what some people ask: "is snake coming back in the next game?" ;)SollidSnake_
lol Wow you're slow (don't mean that in a disrespectful way, but in a laughing just busting your chops way) I thought you were talking about a website link at first, but yea it makes sense because before the game was released you have all those trailers seeming like snake will kill himself and saying all legends must die. it just matched up with the suspense Konami were building.
[QUOTE="AgentH"][QUOTE="zman_786"]the chef says "thissnakes life", maybe im looking into it to much but could this be a reference to raiden in the next game (which every1 seems to thnk is gunna happen) because in MGS2 he goes with the name Solid Snake for a little while?
Why do you always want to include Raiden in everything!!? It's SNAKE and SNAKE story only! We love SNAKE and HATE THAT girl :D
I think you mean YOU love snake
talk for yourself
i liked raiden since mgs 2 :
I still to this day don't understand why people didn't like raiden? I thought he was pretty cool in MGS2 and just bad ass in MGS4.
[QUOTE="Trx07"][QUOTE="AgentH"][QUOTE="zman_786"]the chef says "thissnakes life", maybe im looking into it to much but could this be a reference to raiden in the next game (which every1 seems to thnk is gunna happen) because in MGS2 he goes with the name Solid Snake for a little while?
Why do you always want to include Raiden in everything!!? It's SNAKE and SNAKE story only! We love SNAKE and HATE THAT girl :D
I think you mean YOU love snake
talk for yourself
i liked raiden since mgs 2 :
I still to this day don't understand why people didn't like raiden? I thought he was pretty cool in MGS2 and just bad ass in MGS4.
There are reasons why I hate Raiden.
[QUOTE="Scorpion13497"]So assuming this secret ending is true, is it on the disc as of now or will it be an update of the game? If it's on the disc can we just set our calender's foward on the PS3?zman_786
no use, mgs4 is synced to psn time
If it was true, there would be a software that would check if PSN is on and if it is, it would check specific time and date and trigger the ending.
I saw that one when I started my 2nd play-through. Since we're on the topic of noticing stuff..
Anyone notice what happens when you use the Sixaxis feature when you're talking with Rosemary? :P
I saw that one when I started my 2nd play-through. Since we're on the topic of noticing stuff..
Anyone notice what happens when you use the Sixaxis feature when you're talking with Rosemary? :P
I did. So HOT! She is SEXY and HOT, Rose and every Metal Gear chick!(except for Solidus, Solid and Liquid that Sunny mentions during cooking)
i totally think liquid will be in the next metal gear game, cuz he has an eventful past, and it will be good to see his point of view and soldiering style, hopefully he was sneaking like solid snake. but also it will be cool to see him in his S.A.S days lol
Dont call me shirley
i cant see otacon turning like that its not his character i said this in mgs4 board that he was supposed to be the scientist who lost hope because he was used for evil and his back story why would he help his curse. i did think the simulation thing might be possible it would explain the game referancesSPOILER ALERT!
Snake shouldn't die from old age. Someone should kill him cuz that would help build up a story for a new game (I thought it would be sweet if it was Big Boss or Hal turns evil and kills him, lol). I hope after this new ending, if it's real, that they have that black screen with the codec conversation that twists everything around like at the end of MGS2. Something like: "Well, it seems Snake has passed the simulation" or something ****ed up like that.
[QUOTE="The_Pig_Hostage"]Wait wait wait.... what's this 'secret ending' nonsense all of a sudden? Did I miss something?SollidSnake_
(SPOILER ALERT) there's a rumour that 6 months after the game release(which is snake's life time left) if you finish the game u'll get a different ending.. :) if this happens to be truth.. i think mgs4 will definitely become a masterpiece.. :)
Couldn't the system's calendar just be changed to find out?[QUOTE="TIGERLUCK"]could the chef be sonnie!?! since she cooks.. O_o; lolamericahellyeah:roll: hahaha...
Don't count on it.[spoiler] Everything was brought back to Zero, so killing Solid Snake like that would be at "1"...since that'd just be copying what happened to Big Boss and The Boss and the cycle wouldn't have truly ended. Yeah, Big Boss was kept alive, but he had to be rebuilt to be able to survive away from medical care. [/spoiler]SPOILER ALERT!
Snake shouldn't die from old age. Someone should kill him cuz that would help build up a story for a new game (I thought it would be sweet if it was Big Boss or Hal turns evil and kills him, lol). I hope after this new ending, if it's real, that they have that black screen with the codec conversation that twists everything around like at the end of MGS2. Something like: "Well, it seems Snake has passed the simulation" or something ****ed up like that.
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