I can say I'm pretty much satisfied with the 2 games i have on my Vita.
Dokuro and ragnarok odyssey
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personally, I think the last two games I purchased for my Vita, LBP Vita and MGS HD, did really worth it. They really really did worth it.
yeah my last regular PSP game purchase was worth it. Bought Ace Combat X Skies of Deception for just 9.99 at a small town department store called Pamida. They also had the Indiana Jones Staff of Kings game too.
That game was really, really fun. Flew way under the radar, but it was a lot more fun than anyone would have thought. Great combat with lots of improvised weapons, good dialogue (if I remember correctly), lots of abilities to unlock, and overall a great Indy vibe to it.They also had the Indiana Jones Staff of Kings game too.
Or maybe I'm remembering it wrong. But I remember having a lot of fun. :P
As for my last game purchased, that would be Super Crate Box on Playstation Mobile. Really worth it. $3.50 and I've gotten over 20 hours out of it. It's my perfect mobile game. Easy to pick up and play for short bursts, but still difficult and somewhat complex.
It's also free on PC if you want to check it out first, but honestly, the Vita's buttons are far better than any keyboard, and the D-Pad probably beats any PC controller, so the Vita's still the best platform to play on if you can part with $3.50. Keep in mind it's only $2 on iPod, but you're not getting button controls, which this game desperately needs.
My last two PSN purchases have been totally disappointing... Retro City Rampage and Sound Shapes.. Retro City, I get absolutely no fun out of. Sound Shapes is cool for 30 minutes, but it's a simple novelty.
Im enjoying Disgaea 3 quite a bit at the moment, wasnt sure Id like it, but whenever Im not playing it I want to be.
Gonna pick up Ragnorak Odyssey, Assassins Creed Liberation, and a third game possibly LBP Vita this weekend
Only game I have so far is AC III: Liberation. I am kinda meh on it so far so I guess it was not worth it. But my white Vita looks pretty awesome so the package deal was.
Have yet to play the last 3 I got (smart as, AC and Silent Hill), but the demo of Silent hill was epic :D
Last two i bought where Rayman origins and LBP. Rayman is going strong still but LBP kind of died fast since i haven't played online.
how's AC3 so far?
From what I've played, the GameSpot review is fair... So 6.5/10. Great ideas but not fully fleshed out and refined from a gameplay perspective.
Well, the last game I got was Frobisher Says!, but that was completely free and totally worth it.
The last game I paid for was MediEvil on PSOne Classics, and while the game hasn't aged terribly well, it's still pretty fun and nostalgic and was reasonably priced at like $5 or something.
Before that I got Escape Plan. I still think the game is pretty good, but I think it is overpriced and I wish all of the DLC would have just been part of the game, so I guess in retrospect Escape Plan wasn't worth what I paid for it.
The only cart game I have is still Gravity Rush, which I got for free with my system. If I had paid for the game, and paid more than $15, it probably wouldn't have been worth it. I did pay for the DLC, and that was not worth it, and should have been part of the game since there's not much content there aside from some really challenging race missions. If GR didn't have DLC, or if the DLC was free, it would have been worth it for me because I got the main game for free. But because I bought all of the DLC, and because the game is still probably priced at over $30 in most places, it isn't worth it.
The only game I have right now for Vita is AC3: Liberation because it came with the bundle I bought. I probably wouldn't have bought the game otherwise, but I think it's ok. The next games for Vita I'm going to buy are LBP Vita and Persona 4 Golden and I know they'll be worth the price.
Street fighter VS Tekken and Ragnarok Odyssey
I'm about to purchase AC 3 Liberation but my friend showed it to me, after I played it poof I change my mind
Assassin's Creed and it's a huge letdown. Thankfully i only spent 20$ on it since i had Kmart points that i was forced to burn through.
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