Yet again I buy another PS3 game and feel my money was not well spent. So the only PS3 game I was truly excited about was Rachet & Clank. I spent 5 hrs playing the game and was very bored with the game. I have always enjoyed the series, It felt a little above average. It started out fun, I enjoyed the grinding the rails and those types of jumping puzzles. Then it started to get very repetative. The game is not horrable by any means, I just don't feel it was worth $60. It would be a great rental. I will pick up drake uncharted. Give that a chance.Until then, looks like it's back to playing dvd's. So far with the exception of Warhawk, nothing has been worth $60, everything else I could play all I wanted in a rental span.
Let me stress, the game is not bad. It's just not worth the money until it goes down in price.
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