Well this is a lazy way of doing research since it's a game that's been out a while and has a community putting info out there.
But yes if you enjoy shooters you'll enjoy the online, assuming that you like online as well. The Campaign mode people overall seem to like but imo I thought it was lacking. But the online is more than worth the retail price imo, it's the ps3 game that in my collection has the most days playing time hands down just from online itself.
if you have not played it before yes one of the most awesome games to ever come out, if your like me and had it since day one and its gotten a bit old then no. Great shooter though Single Player is Crazy awesome
Right now CoD 4 is by far the best shooter on any console!!! It fits anyones play style. You can Lone Wolf, play team oriented or a mix of both. Lots of weapons and upgrades to unlock and the online community is by the best I have encountered!!!
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