Hi, I'm going to be buying a Ps3 soon, And have been browsing a few different stores (Im canadian) to compare prices. I just came accross one store, which had one bundle with two controllers(+ other stuff, see below(, but the description of the controllers said dualshock 3 (they were normal wireless ps3 controlers, not like some logitech ones.) Then, In another bundle it had one controller and it's description said Sixaxis controller. So i'm wondering if it was a mistake or if one didn't have sixaxis, Because I want sixaxis.
Also, The first bundle was a $589 for the 80 gig WITH mgs 4, resistance 2, bluray controller, the two controllers that had dualshock description, and an HDMI cable.
The second was your normal 80 gig for $399.
Is the first one worth the extra almost 200 dollars for the games etc? Also, do normal ps3 bundles come with an HDMI cable?
Is the online on MGS4 and resistance still active?
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