wen ppl were thining of buying the ps3 did n e of u guys think that the 40gb model is the cheapy rubbish model? or did none of u think like that? coz thats kinda how i am thinking at he moment.safdar05
If I was buying a ps3 now, I would probably stay clear of it. But I got the 20gig, which is all I'd need. Now you can't install a whole lot on the 20gig, maybe 3 games at a time, but it has all the essentials. Thing is, if you ever decide to get an hdtv, ps2/ps1 games look that much better if you decide to play them.
But I use my ps3 to most of its capacity. Play ps3 games, watch dvd/blu-ray movies, play ps2/ps1 games, and occassionally use remote play and streaming. I suppose the only thing I barely ever use, is its internet browser. Sure, its gotten better over time, but its still not my favorite thing in the world.
You ask me? I say just go for the 60/80gig. Which ever you can find. They're both future proof. So say a good ps2 game catches your mind, and you want to go back to play it. You have a system that'll play it right then. 80gig-500$ usd. Or 400$usd with 120$usd if you decide to play ps2 games. Over time, your hard drive space will fill up quickly, and you'll have to delete some stuff from time to time. Not so much with the 80gig.
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