I thought there was an adaptor, though, I dunno why you'd want it.
Just get a few DUALSHOCK3's/SIXAXIS'. A PS2 controller was last gen, shed the cash, get a next-gen controller(s). I understand what you're saying; so I'd get it if you didn't want to get a new set of expensive controllers.
Hopefully someone can link you, because, unfortunately, I cannot.
thanks do you now how much they cost? DUALSHOCK3's/SIXAXIS'fman07
A SIXAXIS is around 50 dollars retail at a Best Buy or some similar store. You could easily find one for 30 dollars on Amazon or eBay.
DUALSHOCK3's aren't released in the US until spring '08, so you must import them from Play-asia or a similar site. They are Japanese with english writing and work on US/UK PS3's no problem. I have two, 15 out of 20 game collection utilizes the rumble feature. They're great controllers.
They run 60 bucks on Play-Asia, and the shipping takes about a week. You can get a white one, which looks great. I have a white one and a black one. When they're released in the US, they will not have white.
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