do we really need in game xmb for everything there is. I mean sure when you are online in a game and you see your friend come on and want to ask him if he wants to play sure. Let's just say you are playing a single player portion of a game are really going to need to message somebody while playing and doesn't that kind of ruin the purpose of playing games if you really aren't. The same with achievement trophies or whatever. Do we really need to be all "booya" I have got the trophy for not killing anybody in the whole game of resistance 2 or whatever. I am not saying this is waste of time. There is some value to these things, like in Uncharted how it gave you cheats. Ratchet was hit and miss. Did I really need a skill point for doing 10 barrel rolls in the first spaceship shooter level. It did nothing and I accidently found it.
I think achievements are blown way out of proportion. Only if it is something truly incredible do I understand a recognition of some kind. If you never died in Contra without cheating or got 100% of everything in Final Fantasy 8. A week after you get it, you are just going to be like "yep I did it" and then move on. Whatever happened to achieving experience in games. In a fighting game for instance, how people learn all the moves with every character and so on. In Mortal Kombat 2, if someone knew every fatality there was, I would consider that more of an achievement than any trophy or point given for doing something just anyone can do.
Doesn't seem like everybody always wants to feel good about themselves even though they haven't put any work into what they have done. That is what also annoys me about Wii, since anybody can master those games in about 2 hours, you can't tell who actually wanted to really play and understand the game and who is just not caring and "having fun"
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