I don't care about rumble at all. I always turn it off as it just kills battery life and with wireless controllers battery life is even more importtant.
i got mines last week....i wasnt sure if i really needed it(and i really didnt) but after playing thru my old and new games with it, it really wish it was there from the start! it seriously feels weird when i go back and play with the old sixaxis again.
What I did was sell my six axis controller that came with my PS3 for $45 bucks on Ebay and I purchased a Dualshock 3 controller. Just recieved it today. I like the weight and of course the rumble. I dont think I could play games without rumble, this gen. It enhances your gaming experience, imho. Besides, six axis is too lightweight, and the dualshock is six axis too, so why not? I guess when they start replacing the regular six axis controllers that come with the PS3 with Dualshock 3, people will appreciate it more. You can always turn off rumble.
I bought a japanese one about a month ago. I only had one controller since I bought my console. When Pro Evolution was out and I needed a second one, dual shock 3 was already announced so I was patiently waiting to get one instead of getting a second sixaxis.
I would like rumble, though I just can't justify the purchase. Here in NZ, we still have to wait a few months and are charged around $110. I've already have 2 sixaxis controllers, and really don't want to pay for a new one when Sony should have included this feature from the beginning. It sucks, in short.
If it hadn't come out so late in the game, maybe. Most people that wanted a second controller most likely have one already. I don't see myself picking one up atm. I'll use the money to go buy a game.
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