That's why Live has an option to appear offline, yet another feature PSN should have by now. If you find yourself in a place where you don't want to be, just leave the party and switch your status to 'offline.'
Problem solved.
Any Sony fanboy will preach "lolz wat i dont need no cross gem chet i hav chet rumz jajajaja" because they're always willing to settle for ****-tier as long as it's free. I've yet to see a legitimate reason as to why the PS3 shouldn't have cross game chat by now, or some kind of party system at least.
I know but all my friends figured out I was doing this. It was just an annoying experience. Depends on who you pllay with really.
That's also true - different experiences for different people. I'm opposite of you, I've been with Sony since 2007. I bought the other console about 4 months ago and I'm having more fun with it than I ever did with my PS3.
Not only that, but the online service isn't eating ****.
Really? The little extra stuff they have on Live makes that much more of a difference? I want cross game chat on PS3 but there's no way I'm paying for it. That's why I will never buy an *insert other consoles here* because I feel paying $60 a year for something I can get for free and better on, say a PC, is complete craziness.And regardless of features and all that crap, it's the games that matter. I didn't buy my PS3 to watch blu-ray, free online or whatever, I bought it to play the games I can't get anywhere else.
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