I have enough money to buy one game, and I think I have narrowed it down to these two. I'm still having a load of trouble deciding which to purchase. MotorStorm is good, but didn't wow me. On the other hand, VF5 doesn't have online. So there's pros and cons to each. Which is your personal preference?
i'd rather get tekken than virtua fighter. i love motorstorm but i don't think it justifies spending 60 dollars. i'll probally get some other shooter instead.
Honestly I would buy both of them,but since your in a tight situation i will have to say Motorstorm.It is just more my type of game, besides i have many fighting games already(dont know about you)..but i kinda get tired of them after a while.With motorstorm its sounding to be very cool, online and offline.It certainly gave me a WOW effect, so i would choose Motorstorm..
Its amazing how much people want Motorstorm, but GS wont put the game in the Top 10 most wanted games for PS3. Because it is actually a most wanted game and a future system seller. Theyre tryin to tuck it under the table so no one sees it :lol: Sad...
I know I'm picking up VF5 for sure because I am a VF fan but I don't really like racing games that much. However though, if you liked Motorstorm, I suggest you go with it. VF is really not for everyone and if you're not that good at the game, you're likely to get really frustrated.
Thanks hyo. VF does look great, but I want a game I can get into easiely, and can play online. Looks like MotorStorm is the game. And for all of you who said both: please use your brain. If I'm asking you to recommend either one game or another, common sense would dictate that I'm only interested in buying one or the other. And if I picked two specific games, obviously both interest me, so I would purchase both if I had the means. Maybe you didn't read my first post where I mentioned that I had only enough money for ONE game. Thanks for all your help. *end sarcasm* :roll:
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