I brought resistance a few weeks back, and this morning i got up early and forced myself to try it..
I started the single player on hard, its not bad, good story, cool guns, although not very varied enemies, im fed up with shooting the same pissing chimera.but overall not bad...
I got pretty good, so i thought id try the online, i played for ano hour or 2 and a question popped in to my head...
why do people play this game online?? its terrible, its like a really boring dumbed down unreal tourniment, no im wrong
IT IS a boring dumbed down unreal tourniment
theres barely any skill to it, run and gun, and run some more, theres no tactics, no one talks, i spend 20 quid on a head set and no one talks??
Im glad the playstaion has warhawk
and im glad i own more than one console
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