I don't see the big deal on either subject. Someone had to buy the game firstfor you to buy it pre-owned therefore the devs got some money. I thinnk the whole thing is with pre owned games is that devs are very greedy and don't care about consumer's wallets. Thats why they made game passes. Which is so retarded because I think it should be illegal because I bought the game yet I may be losing the online feature if I didn't buy the game NEW.
As for pirating, since I've done it multiple times I can't be a hypocrite and say its wrong. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it UNLESS you really like the game your playing. Then I think you should support the developer of that game. I don't see how its aginest the law seeing as theres way worst laws people break and games cost too much to be shelling out $60 bucks for each game every couple of weeks/months.
So I guess it would be cool if I were to go into your house and steal some of your stuff because I feel it is overpriced in stores, and then if I really like it I should go buy it? Pirating is against the law, so why try to go and break it because you currently don't have the funds for a game. Would it not be better to simply wait until the price begins to go down as they so often do? I agree that it was ridiculous when the current systems came out and games went from $50 new to $60. There was really no reason for it, yet people continue to spend that much so really, why stop the markup? Pirating is the same as going into a store and stealing something, except it's on a relatively new medium so people try to justify it.
God, this is such a drone response.
Downloading a game = Breaking in and burglarizing someone's home? GFR!
No, but if you can justify stealing a game then I assume other things can be stolen and justified the same way. There are too many people who think the major developers have too much money already so it's fine to take something from them. Idk if this is the case here, but it seems to be something that a lot of people think for music so I assume it goes for games as well. I always like the whole if you like something then buy it logic, and we see how that's been affecting the US music industry with labels taking less and less risks in order to simply try to sell something that will be pirated anyway. This is pretty much happening on a lower scale with every COD game being the same thing with a different setting.
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