As a new PS3 owner, only for like a month, i have been following closely news about the PS3 and checking out these sites more often. Besides the normal fanboy stuff on the outside, it seems like on the inside there are PS3 owners who are getting frustrated with there $600 investment. I must say, that when i bough this system it was fully for the future of the games that are to come since the 360 is keeping occupied now. But i bought in the hype of the ps3's power and future potential. So, i am not discourage just yet since i knew what i was getting myself into and knew of the potential risk involved. I must admit however, the situation seems more bleak than i first thought. But i wasn't planing on playing a bunch of AAAs on the PS3right off the bat. This however maybe different for some.
However, this question is mainly for the people who bought it close to launch for higher expectations. I asked this because i want to gain some perspective on this situation.
But the main question is:
Do you think Sony at this point in the console race is like a ship at sea taking on water? Meaning that there is only so much negative publicity that this system can take before it sinks. And How much has PS3 miss, if any, the mark as of this point?
This question presupposes that sonyhas indeed suffered from negative publicity, I don't think that's debatable. However, the degree, severity, significants implication, ofthe PS3 problems may and indeed is debatable.
Like i said in the intro, I am not worried, just concerned. I personally wouldn't go all the way to the left and agree with what xbots think and say the ship will sink, but i do think they have there job cut out for them to take out the water to keep the ship up above water. I I'm $600 dollors sure they do this!
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