Really, to me, this game feels more like a Ratchet and Clank game than a new Resistance game. As soon as you boot the game up (the multiplayer beta), the new title design pops up and it looks like they tried to make it look more rugged and gritty with the crooked letters and all, but it comes off as looking cartoony to me. Then you hear the music, which isn't bad and has emotion, but not a strong one, and it doesn't match the Resistance vibe in my opinion. Same for the comic book art style. It does look nice, but again, it doesn't really match the game. I know multiplayer is a big focus for the game, but I'm actually interested in the story and I was glad when I heard from previews that the story was much darker and had a better atmosphere than before. Now, I'm not really sure.
As for the multiplayer, it is fun and there are some improvements (the most noticeable for me was the map design), but I still think the 60 player matches were more fun and I'll definitely miss the epic skirmish matches from Resistance 2. Also, I heard they took the 8 player co-op out and instead put in co-op support for the campaign - really? I know I heard some fans of Resistance 1 asking for it, but why'd they take out the Resistance 2 version for it? Other than that, there are some small issues like too much motion blur when sprinting, weird aiming sensitivity when aiming down the sights of a weapon, and a grenade arc that's way too low.
Overall, I probably will get the game since I am a fan of the story and the game still is fun, but it's not going to be a day one buy for me.
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