The Blu-Ray disc has two layers that are read at different speeds. The information on the "bottom" later is installed, so the game can recieve info for environments, building structures, and what not from the HDD while all the real time stuff comes from the "top" layer of the disc. It really has nothing to do with the speed at which the disc is read. A lot of games don't even install anymore. And even installing games on your HDD does not really make much difference at all on your load times depending on the game. Also, MGS4 installs one portion at a time because its almost a full disc worth of info which is 50 gigs. Not everyone has room for that. That would be insane. As far as it being on that other console being better I completely disagree. Load times will be about the same and changing discs will do just as much to break up the fun as an install. At least during the install we can stay on our lazy bums and read all the funny stuff on the install screen. Regardless, it will be a WHOLE lot quieter! lolNephilim83
The best exemple why sometimes installation is better is the case of Star Ocean: The last hope on Xbox 360. I really hope this game comes for the PS3 and the installation process is available. In Star Ocean, you have to swap the disk everytime you leave the end of the game area to go elsewhere. So swapping disk is really annoying and takes about the same time you're waiting at MGS4 install downtime. Having to get up, searching for the case, taking the disk 2 opening the xbox, changing, reputting disk 3 in case, sitting back down, xbox loading the game, takes about 2-3 minutes. But oh wait you forgot to actually go grind levels in the ending area, then again have to stand up blah blah blah. When you have the 20gig HDD like I do on my xbox you can'T install the 3 disks to prevent that. In a whole that takes up to 24 gig++ I don't even know if the game recognize the data on the HDD when it ask you to swap disks. Maybe not which would be pointless.
Sony has to start to make profit of the PS3 or make another less cost effective version that would include a 4X drive in it. In games like SF4, when playing online it creates unnacceptable downtime in between fights. If 1 of the players doesnt installed it, you still have to wait even if U installed it. You're getting punished anyway. PS3 needs to be redesigned to cost less to produce so Sony starts making money out of it and players would be buying it cause right now it seems a lot arent buying it cause it's too expensive. 4X speed drive would be a must in certain case.
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