Hi, I just got a PSP slim if that makes any difference, I bought some replacement nubs and I cant get the original off the PSP. Can it even come off. Thanks in advance!!!
Depends if you are talking about just the nub or the whole analog stick rig. To get the nub off you just pull it. I bought a new analog stick on the interenet a while back and it totally sucked; it worked ok but was always registering movement up for no reason. It was through some company called Chicago Games Works. I also bought a new faceplate at it was totally warped. So, son't buy from them.
Taking apart the psp isn't hard and kinda fun but the hardest part is to not get dust or fingerprints inside the faceplate. I used airduster to clean it off before closing it back up.
My analog stick was doing that self moving thing too. I cracked open my PSP (tutorial on www.pspcrazy.com) and pulled out the entire analog nub box. It's easy to disassemble. It's just held together by a metal strap that you can pry off with a sharp knife. I then cleaned the contact area inside (without removing the springs) and it works fine now.
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