i've been seeing on the forums for a while now every1 has been talking about Assassins Creed like it is Jesus or something... wat is so great about it??? the game looks so lame what is the point ur some assassin named altair and ur missing a finger so u replace that spot with a lil dagger and blah blah it's a sandbox game and all that... the graphics don't even look all that special and the fights don't look as interesting as the ones in prince of persia IMO... so explain what is it about this game that would make ppl want it more than uncharted... besides the obvious fact that Assassins Creed is a departure from all the shooting that has been plaguing this generation...
First off i'm not bashing the damn game i just wanna know wats so great about it and some ppl actually bothered to answer wats so great about it so thanks to them... as for every1 else who is saying opinion this and opinion that i never said anything about any1 elses opinion on the game being dumb so please just be quiet.... third using my sig as a way to make me look dumb really isn't dat much of an effective argument... so really don't be so offended by the thread cuz all i was askin is why is this game soo great???? and no i'm not one of those shooter heads because my favorite game series of all time is Kingdom HEarts and there was a time when it was the only game I would ever play and for like hours... so chill out and don't bother posting if ur not gonna answer the question... in conclusion all i did was state reasons as to why think they game isn't dat great while most of u didn't even answer the question and got all mad and stuff like i said a yo momma joke or somethin.... damn just answer the question or don't bother posting
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