Ya know, I'm sick of all the fanboy wars. I'm sick of people acting like "Sony dropped the ball" (the most overused commentof any anti-Sony fanboy). I'm sick of people acting like Sony is going so downhill, they're going to pull a Dreamcast, it's ridiculous. I actually read a forum post on one of the daily news threads and someone said, "Game over for you Sony, you lose"... the most ludicris comment I've ever read on a thread. This guy really hated Sony, so much it sounded like he had a personal vendetta with them.
Sure the PS3 isnt selling as good as the other consoles, of course it isnt! It's a much higher priced console,most people dont know what they're getting with a PS3, and when you look in a WalMart ad and you see a 279 Xbox 360 versus a 499 PS3, the 360 does look pretty appealing!
The truth is, the PS3 is built for the long term! It's corny to say "future proof" because alongside all of the (almost crazy) comments made about the PS3 to hype it up, "future proof" sounds like hype fuel spit out of the mouth of Sony. But it's not really. 2009 the PS3 will be fully equipped with all the tools to suit the times, while the 360(will probably have an HD DVD sku by then) will be (hardware wise) outdated. No HDDVD (for now), no wireless, no HDMI (for the first year 1/2 adapters) and only 20 GB harddrive (unless you wanna upgrade to a 120 GB harddrive sold at the hefty price of 179).
The PS3 is simply in it's first year. It's still being figured out, as far as developers go. Right now, I look at my PS3 game collection, and I'm completely satisfied. Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, RFOM, Warhawk, and Lair (I dont care what the reviewers say about Lair). They're all Sony exclusives, and Sony will only continue to spew out these hits. And whats most interesting these games is the fact that they are almost all new franchises! RFOM, HS, and Lair werent even thought about last gen. It's not like Sony is falling back on it's sure-fire-hit franchises they had on the PS2, no, they are in fact making all new franchises, and still have those old franchises to fall back on.
And finally, Sony is losing money on the PS3, right now. As time goes on, the costs to make the PS3 will go down, Sony will have more software out there, and Sony will be able to get the PS3 in more households. In the long run, the PS3 will make Sony money... probably. (I say probably cause I dont know for a fact, but it's pretty likely). Sony's "10 year plan" will probably be just that - 10 years.Surely Sony can make profit off the PS3 in 10 years.
This is all just my opinion, but it's I believe it's rational. Many anti-Sony fanboys arent rational about the situation. If you own a PS3, you're probably loving the experince. And with Killzone 2, UT3, and MGS4 coming out early next year, we only have more to look forward to. Not to mention Home, and LBP. Oh well, I just thought I'd get this off of my chest. I even see Sony fans worrying about Sony, but there's really no reason to. Sony's been in the game a long time, they know how to play by now.
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