I'm getting a PS3 for Christmas and since my internet has a limit on how much I can download a month I wanted to know how much playing online games would use?
I only get 2.5Gb a month lol so I wasn't really planning on downloading games I'm more interested in just playing multiplayer games. For some reasin online games on my psp make it go up really fast so I wanted to know what ps3 was like.
But i would estimate that online play will use around 50mb per hour MAXIMUM. Therefore i simply reccomend that you check your usage every couple of days and you should easily be able to aviod going over the limit ...
about the only time bit is considered is when you are talking about transfer rate... 2.5gig's not much but if you aren't thinking about spending 8hrs a day playing online you shouldn't worry too much. It will eat into your browsing bandwidth though.
If your not downloading demo/patches/updates the ps3 wont use much bandwidth - but as someone said above keep an eye on how much you have used/have left
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