Burnout is a EA game.Madden is a EA game.Is there setvers the same?Reason is Burnout has no lag what so ever.Try to play Madden online is totally uncalled for.If i didnt pay so much for my tv i would have a remote through it!Any idea why Madden online stinks and Burnout online dose not?
Burnout is a EA game.Madden is a EA game.Is there setvers the same?Reason is Burnout has no lag what so ever.Try to play Madden online is totally uncalled for.If i didnt pay so much for my tv i would have a remote through it!Any idea why Madden online stinks and Burnout online dose not?vj226966
I really never had much of an issue with Madden online. Mind you I rarely play it...like never. But the real reason Burnout online is so good? Critereon > Rest of EA.
Want to play your friend? Well you'll have to invite each other at least twenty times and maybe, just maybe you'll get through in one game.
Want to play others? Well I'll check for squad updates EVERY time you want to play, and then by the time thats finished, the other player has left the game.
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