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Thanks for the linked version. Is there a way to link on ps3? Burnout 3 lasted long enough but LotR Conquest? Its just not that old. Or people really dont play it online anymore?Linked. Damn Burnout 3 takedown is finally going down. That game was epic.
[QUOTE="GrandJury"]Thanks for the linked version. Is there a way to link on ps3? Burnout 3 lasted long enough but LotR Conquest? Its just not that old. Or people really dont play it online anymore?People probably don't care about that. Burnout 3 was very popular.Linked. Damn Burnout 3 takedown is finally going down. That game was epic.
I would forget about that right now. That is a big reason why online trophies should not exist.[QUOTE="GrandJury"][QUOTE="jjivey"]
i still need the online trophies for Conquest! Am i screwed?
even the "trophy" whores are people u know.
lol...that made my day
Every online enabled game should get at the very least a 4 year time frame before it's publisher decides to shut down the online server. As bad as some say the game was, EA shutting down The Lord of the Rings: Conquest game online servers should be considered illegal. People paid for this game, not everyone enjoyed it but some did and it is brutally unfair & deceiving what's going to happen to them.azzezinoExactly. Now how would I feel if I bought that game, say, a week ago? And they say it wont be working online next month? That game is only fun online. Glad I didnt buy it then.
OH NO! My gaming world is crumbling around me!
Seriously, these games are terrible aside from Burnout 3 and have had their servers up for too long if anything.
I can say that there are still people playing lotr conquest cause I was trying to get the last of my trophies before the servers shut down for this game. Gotta catch em' all, TROPHIES!ExoticAnimalthanks charter :P
[QUOTE="GrandJury"][QUOTE="ryrulez"]The simpsons game had multiplayer?tommyasCo-op. Which I am actually pissed about that one cause I wanted to try it in online co-op. I thought the coop was local only? No I believe it had online co-op. I mean I know it did not have a full fledge MP mode.
[QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]I can say that there are still people playing lotr conquest cause I was trying to get the last of my trophies before the servers shut down for this game. Gotta catch em' all, TROPHIES!starwarsjunkythanks charter :P Huh? Who's Charter? I'm perplexed by this.
This is one of the reasons trophies are the bane of any PS3 gamer's existence. No matter how bad a game is, there are always those people that ABSOLUTELYPOSITIVELYMUSTHAVE that platinum and will lose sleep/social life/food/water/oxygen (gasp) to get it. If the game isn't that great (Lord of the Rings Conquest) stop playing it, go to a better game!
[QUOTE="starwarsjunky"][QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]I can say that there are still people playing lotr conquest cause I was trying to get the last of my trophies before the servers shut down for this game. Gotta catch em' all, TROPHIES!ExoticAnimalthanks charter :P Huh? Who's Charter? I'm perplexed by this. just some kid who comes around sometimes
Well, I will generally play a game til I get a platinum, but I don't go out of my way to purchase/play mediocre games or get impossible achievements (impossible = Most online time sinks). if I know I can get the platinum, I normally play the game until i get it, so I feel like my money was worth it. For instance, LittleBigPlanet (which Im still working on the create trophy... which is kind of a pain)This is one of the reasons trophies are the bane of any PS3 gamer's existence. No matter how bad a game is, there are always those people that ABSOLUTELYPOSITIVELYMUSTHAVE that platinum and will lose sleep/social life/food/water/oxygen (gasp) to get it. If the game isn't that great (Lord of the Rings Conquest) stop playing it, go to a better game!
This is one of the reasons trophies are the bane of any PS3 gamer's existence. No matter how bad a game is, there are always those people that ABSOLUTELYPOSITIVELYMUSTHAVE that platinum and will lose sleep/social life/food/water/oxygen (gasp) to get it. If the game isn't that great (Lord of the Rings Conquest) stop playing it, go to a better game!
The people that aim for the trophies will get more out of the game than someone who doesn't. Regardless of a bad game or not someone who got all the trophies generally feels good about it. Someone who cares nothing for it will play the game move on and get nothing from it. 2 sided coin.
I got the plat for LOTR Conquest this weekend haha and nodoubt bad game, but i had fun with a friend trying to do it all and it felt awesome getting those tough trophies.
Talk about a blast from the past. Burnout 3 was probably the best in the series for me. I looooved that game. My buddies and I played that game so much in college the copy I have barely even reads in my PS2.
I just lost online ability to 5 of my games with this news, I was going to get Battlefield 3 over MW3 this year but this news just changed my mind Im not paying $60 for a game if EA is just ganna shut down the server 1 daygamerdude31
you are aware this thread is a year old right
or is this just a bad attempt at being a troll
As much as LOTR conquest wasn't that good, it's still fun to play with friends. When I go over someone's house we usually play it because it's one of those simple, fun games that are basically just that, fun with friends. Granted, a new Star Wars Battlefield is far overdue, and that will probably overload their servers if it comes out.
[QUOTE="tommyas"][QUOTE="GrandJury"]Co-op. Which I am actually pissed about that one cause I wanted to try it in online co-op.GrandJuryI thought the coop was local only? No I believe it had online co-op. I mean I know it did not have a full fledge MP mode. Wow, it's been a while since I've seen you around these boards.Didn't you get banned?
Edit: Old thread, disregard this post.
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