Quote: It's too hot...
In this Issue
- Soul Calibur IV cover story.
- Small feature on the 20th anniversary of Final Fantasy.
- Madden '08 vs. All-Pro Footbal 2K8
- Previews: Army of Two, Socom: Confrontation, Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, Rock Band.
- Another Parasite Eve is in the works for an actual console.
- Sony's going to show Epic the money to make UE3 work better on the PS3.
- Kojima Productions is working on another PS3 exclusive.
- Sony will repackage the PS2 to compete with the Wii by including a waggle-wand (their wording, not mine) for $99 this holiday season.
- AC/DC will help promote Rock Band.
- Capcom working on a PS3 exclusive.
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl will use Havok physics.
Source is delightfull Neogaf, all credist goes to Neogaf member _leech_ : http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=166402
If Even Half These Rumors are true I will be one HAPPY MOTHER F**KER
I am thinking..
Parasite Eve: Hmmm, multiplatform or exclusive.... E3 may knock us all away.
Kojima Productions 2nd Exclusive : Project S(natcher)? Zone or enders?
Capcom exclusive : Monster hunter 3? Megaman Legends 3? Some completely different (like when X360 got Lost Planet & Dead Rising)?
Epic deal : Good thinking Sony, good thinking... about time.
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