Enough of this ff 13 jeesh it happen let it go *puts up flame shield*
Yeah I was pretty pissed when i found out the ff 13 went MP, heck i even cursed out a square enix repersentaive in their support chat because of this. It is a let down that it went MP because it was one of the games to brag about but dont forget we still have versus. It wont make sense to give up on the ps3 just because of this MP which wont be as good as versus. It is rare to have a loyal 3 rd part except konami(yeah kojima ftw) Because Gen games cost to much to develop and Enix was already have financial problems. AND btw correct me if I am wrong but don't Sony own like what 10% of enix so don't that mean sony will still get a profit if the game sales are over 5 million, you do the math that aint my area.
Now the pro and cons imo of enix decision and the effetcs on Sony
If I am correct its been announce that ff 13 is not coming out for Japan,but it will come out First in Japan. all of you must be thinking who Cares
But in fact Sony can pull a fast on in this. You all know that the ps3 has the second highest sales in japan wii first and 360 dead their. This will make HUGE BOOST in PS3 sales if sony play their cards right ff 13 ps3 bundle ftw(OMG ME WANTS a ps3 slim ff 13 or 7 bundle :D). Lets Get serious now the ps3 version of ff13 will have more sales than the 360s, probably with all the money enix is making with this MP It will be invested in Versus. With all the rpg fans in Japan smart move that 13 is coming on the ps3 first on JAPAN which has better sale than 360. yawn i post cons later
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