Guys dont visit their site and give them hits or read the review. Trust me it will only make u angrier.
I agree, i was foolish enough to read this review and clearly the reviewer wears his arse as a helmet
Now i believe not to judge a game before you play it (for alll i know it could be crap) but the reviewer almost seemed to hate it because it was too good.
"There's almost too much going on. With a see-sawing episodic rhythm that visits some starkly different locations and play styles, a wealth of incidental and hidden detail, more gameplay mechanics than you can fully explore in a single playthrough - and above all, an epic, elegiac, arcane storyline that seeks to tie up every last loose thread and honour the passing of a classic videogame hero - Metal Gear Solid 4 is, in most senses, the biggest Metal Gear yet. But the best? Maybe not. If the super-slick thriller of the first Metal Gear Solid remains Kojima's masterpiece, then this operatic monster is his magnum opus."
"Even keen students of Metal Gear lore are going to struggle to follow this tangled tale. Laden with sentimental sermons and metaphors for the evils of war, struggling under the weight of the resolving the plots of four previous games and the personal destinies of characters as diverse as Raiden, Meryl, Naomi, Vamp and Eva, it is in all honesty a mess. Motivation and consistency fall by the wayside and by the end it's totally unclear who is on which side, or what's at stake."
"Design-wise, MGS4 is mostly a refinement of what's gone before. The new gadgets are superb, the weapons are expertly realised and much easier to get hold of, and there are always plenty of options, even if stealth is still usually the best of them. Hand-to-hand combat feels more natural."
"Only the new Stress and Psyche meters don't really gel with the flow of play; we suspect they come into their own in the highest difficulty settings, but at that level, Metal Gear Solid 4 is an exercise in teeth-grinding masochism for specialists only."
"You expect the boss battles to take a starring role in Metal Gear Solid, and the encounters with the Beauty and the Beast team of psychotic femmes fatales in robot animal suits don't disappoint - how could they? All different, all very well-staged, all with a slightly disturbing and mournful edge. But in this case it's actually the early parts of the game's chapters that leave your jaw hanging open with their audacity and invention; it's the Gekko confrontations that strike fear into your heart; it's the visually staggering on-rails set-pieces that provide the biggest bang per buck."
"You're sorry to see Snake go. But should you be? Guns of the Patriots is a frustrating, fractured game that turns Metal Gear Solid's world upside down several times over, but never changes it. It just burrows deeper into what fans love and detractors hate than ever before, and it will make few converts. It's a crying shame, given how many genuinely classic gaming moments there are here, given the countless exquisite creative touches, but Metal Gear Solid 4 is its own worst enemy. You could not ask for a funnier, cleverer, more ambitious or inspired or over-the-top conclusion to the Metal Gear Solid series, but it's definitely time to move on.
We love you, Snake. Don't come back."
ok heres how i see his review. It seems to me he is trying to tell us he dosnt like the game (i know 8 is still a good score but its clear he is trying to tell us the game is crap ("We love you, Snake. Don't come back.")) because :
1. the game has too many new features
2. the games plot is too deep
3. there is more than one way to play the game (even tho stealth is usually the best option)
4. the game mechanics have been polished too much
5. the game is too hard on the most difficult setting
But hell heres the part that really takes the cake
" how do you review a new Metal Gear Solid? Do you assess it on its own terms, ones that its legion of fans will understand? Do you play the sceptic, and take Hideo Kojma and his team to task for their stubborn refusal to catch up with what the rest of the world expects of a videogame? "
WTF, does the world expect the same thing over and over again, what do unexpected things scare the world, do clever things make to world confused and infuriated. CMON this review and its reviewer are complete and utter jokes.
BTW i also took the liberty of reading the halo 3 (their holy grail of video games) review. I will not post quotes as this post is long enough as it is but it praises the game for
1. Having a simple story that even the most dim witted individual could umderstand
2. providing a simply gameplay style that dosnt require a brain (point the gun at the enemy and shoot while following a one way path)
3. being pretty much the same as halo 2
I know the games were reviewed by 2 different people but they both seem to share the same mindset.
But that being said who knows mabey gamespot might share Eurogamer's view and if that is so lets hope the developers listen to the gamers instead of the reviewers because if they model their games off what these jackasses want the gaming industry is in a whole lot of trouble
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