All u people that say the ps3 is STILL TO MUCH MONEY are stupid.cmon ppl Sony already dropped the price by 100 dollars.What do u want more. If it drops it even less anytime soon Sony Entertainment is going to go bank rupt .Lets look back ...... First Cd-Rom Console , First DVD-Rom Console , First ConsoleS to reach over 100 million units worldwide , First Fully Hi-Def Console , only console to have 2 10/10 ratings in gamespot , first console with built in Wi-Fi and first console to out sell and next gen console in Christmas(PS2 out sold 360 in Christmas 04).Xbox Elite is 475 and PS3 is 500 ; give or take it close.If u can afford an Elite u can afford a PS3.Xbox Live does rule BUTPSN is going up.Plus PSN has got to 1 million users faster then the original xbox.Lets see the numbers close to 12 million 360s and 5 million ps3s ; Xbox Live close to 10 million users , PSN close to 3 mllion users.People just hate the ps3 cause it cost alot or the "360s better" but NO ONE SAY THE WII SUKS.cmon the wii is like the gamecube on roids. Wii owners are going to get boried cause nintendo is like the only developers that make exclusive games for them.Buy a ps3 and ull love it ,trust me.
- Killzone OR Haze are going to be better then Halo.(Gameplay/Graphics)
-If people wanted to buy a 360 they would of already , but people still playing there ps2's :o8)
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