My list contains 58 games, FIFTY EIGHT! And here you are picking and bitchin over 3 whether they are confirmed or not? You're unbelievable, and yet the Soul Calibur developers went on Facebook to ask < why did you ignore that?) Asking customers which extra characters we would like to see IN THE NEXT INSTALLMENT (OF THE SERIES - SOUL CALIBUR!!!) the next installment!!!!!!! So why do you keep making an issue with semantics?
TLOU was a world-wide hit, so much so on-par with GTA popularity and reputation in the same sphere of a winner with gamers, so it's safe to say that 99% guarantee it will come, there is no gamehouse/publisher disputation happening about TLOU, so anyone knows it will be here sooner or later, even the planning stages of the developer means it's on-course, and the customer demand, both these make it a given 99%, so your reasoning and nitpicking is ridiculous.
Many games will seek to copy the formula of GTA, and Infamous SS is milking that, and i see it does have the same vibe and similar style, so if you can't handle my opinion, get over it!
Druckmann conceded wide-linear, the website agreed with me, open-world. Wide-linear/open-world... whatever! It's along those lines. House of the dead at the arcades is linear, wide-linear is open-world without time-wasting, same shit! Doesn't matter what you say!
So who needs to get a life??? LOL
PS: Getting tired of your antics and frivolous arguments. (yes, Google the meaning of frivolous young man, because that's your approach to me)
I'll say again, my list at the beginning of this thread was for my own personal needs to consult, but i posted it here for those who want all upcoming games listed, and without needing to hunt-around the internet. If you don't appreciate it or need it, then just stay away and shut your mouth. What's your problem?
PS: your browsing the net to try and contradict me does not equal a good deed. You're talking trash! That's the problem with many people today, they have misconceptions. Do you know what true hard work is? You probably don't! Sad man!
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