[QUOTE="junk56"]does it matter? only people like us would know its 60 fps and 30 fps. in the end its the same game so whoever has each console would buy that version. only those hardcore gamers like some of you here or the richie people have both consoles. in the end its not gonna change the sales of maddenTaijiquan
What does "Like us" mean? A choppy game is a choppy game. For the idiots saying they can not notice, DOWNLOAD THE VIDEO THAT COMPARES THE TWO. The people that are saying are either A. Not planning on buying madden or B. Trying to display some type of damage control. The people planning to purchase Madden care because it is a noticeable difference. Imagine buying a Porsche that could only accelerate to the speed limit and back down then up and back down. Its the idea.
It is frustrating for several reasons.
1)Like it or not Madden will be in the top5 sold games this year.
2)We have been told how great the PS3 is and alot of people purchased it at a higher price because of it. Ifthe samegames are getting outsold at a higherper unit ratio how is that going to look for developers to really take advantage of the PS3?
For those that had anXbox lastgen because ofits superior technology compared to the PS2 (some of us stay on the cutting edge. Its a hobby.) now with the PS3 we can expect thesame type oftreatment. Lowest commonfactor.
Alotof us want the real PS3 experience. The theater experience thatKojima talked about. 1080p textures 7.1 PCM uncompressed sound @ 60 fps or even 120mhz for those of use with newer LCDs. All completely doable do to Cell, RSX and of course Blu Ray. Otherwise, what did we spend our money on?
amen brother, I couldn't have said it better myself!! I love ps3 but this crap has to stop!!!!
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