Ive never played any type of card game before, but i decided to go out on a limb and try this game. this is the most Fun ive had playing a game in a long time. great deal if you think about it to. you get the game , the PS Eye , Mat , starter deck , booster pack , Stand for eye all for 69.99. the PS Eye by itself is 40. i would really recommend this game to people who Do like card games and even those who dont but like strategy type stuff also. this game is awesome.
I got the game today and played some matches against the AI and i'm kinda confused as to how online play can work seeing as the desk is off camera, whats stopping people from just 'hand picking' what cards they want?
Other then that the game is pretty neat and the PSEye works like a charm...
You have to register you deck with the Eye before you go online, the computer then picks your cards for you and you have to draw them from your deck. I haven't been able to try it out yet though as I haven't finished building my deck yet.
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