Great find.
This part stood out for me especially, "The dream system included high-definition graphics and definitely larger storage media, which at the time was Blu-ray—that was pretty clear—but also motion control. I was like, “Yeah, they’re probably not going to do anything with the motion control, but oh well. We’ll have to live with that.” That was kind of the final perfect dream come true when it finally happened with the PS3. "
As did this, "I’d love to do one for the PS3—we have the wackiest thoughts about when people were saying, “Oh, it would lend itself to motion control and the Wii would lend itself so perfectly for doing a Star Wars.” You know what? We have been playing around with the motion control on the PS3 controller actually, and you wouldn’t believe what you would be able to do there."
I also think this aspect of the game will be sweet, "So when the dragon latches onto humans, basically, we zoom in with the camera to give you close ups, and we actually do time jumps, a little bit Matrix inspired, where basically you get to engage with your enemies a little faster. Outside of that, it’s traditional melee combat with the added incentive of eating people."
And this talks about the insane amount of power they can get out of the ps3, "But that’s to be expected, because that’s where the power is. If it’s too easy, then as we’ve seen with the GameCube, there’s no headroom. We had a terrible time trying to squeeze more out of that system for Rebel Strike. On the PS3, the sky’s the limit. I’m happy that we got as much from it as we do right now, but we could go on for three years developing that engine and we know that the system will bear it. That’s the genius of Kutaragi’s designs—there’s so much headroom. And that makes the start up harder. But when you cross a certain threshold for the system and you know what to avoid and what to do right and how you write efficient code, how to basically have the Cell really talking in an optimized way with RSX, at that point it’s an exponential increase in productivity with what we’ve seen. At this point, it’s really going fantastically. It’s great hardware—it really is."
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