damn my ps3 has had no problems connecting to my wireless router until now, and now when i test the internet connect it fails to obtain an ip address. I know my router is working fine because im using my laptop right now with wireless signal. And my ps3 does in fact detect my router (at 100% signal) whenever it scans for an access point! Does anybody have answers to my problem??? it would be greatly appreciated!! thanks
did you limitthe IP range of yourLAN? for example, ~ in this case, there are only 2 valid IPs in your LAN, so if your desktop takes 101, your laptop takes 102, your PS3 will have no more IP left for it
or even, did you lock your IPs to specific MAC adresses?
I had this problem when I enabled the uPnP and Media center settings on my PS3. Disabling them fixed the problem. Linksys has also released a firmware update that fixes certain uPnP issues, so that might help too.
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