Okay... so after hearing of this news and thinking it was a retarded mistake (why did they have to add the number 14 to it? make an original FF MMORPG seperate from the main series!), I finally accepted it since I played and enjoyed much of FFXI. I think it'll be great whether there's a monthly fee or not. But for those who don't want to pay monthly fees, remember that you'll still end up paying some sort of other fee so that the game can be maintained.
Also, for a while I really did lose faith in the company. I was sick of remakes being released for other systems. FF III and FF IV for the DS but not PSP? Why did they bother making anniversery editions if they said they remade III and IV because they were originally on nintendo consoles? What about us fans that want to collect the series and HAVE THEM NUMBERED IN ORDER... You can't collect MMORPG's.... You can get FF 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 again, and 7 again (hey! 777! I tink i getz it!), 8, 9, 10, 10-2 (wut?), 11, 12, 13, 13 again, and 13 yet again (again... wut?) on the PlayStation consoles and it's becoming a mess for us collectors. I was also sick of the spin-offs and especially the FFVII compilation. I hated the movie. FFX-2's story was a friggin' joke and was just insulting to us fans of FFX. FFVersus XIII? Agito XIII? Can they come up with better titles? Where's the story in FFXII? What the hell were they thinking with the ADB System? If you wanted to fight in real-time without having the menues pause you were stuck scrolling through menues as fast as you could just to cast a single spell. By then you'd have lost half your HP. That was more of a personal beef I had with XII, I like having things constantly moving in battles, even in turn-based rpg's where the characters stay in one spot.
All the ranting aside, there's one thing I can always admit about their series. They are always fun to play. Regardless of flaws with the story or whatever. I always manage to have a good time. So although I rarely get excited for the next new FF game anymore, I still look forward to buying their games once they reach the shelves at my local Gamestop.
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