Someone had to have been payed money for this TRASH to win game of the year over at IGN .
This game is so glitch saturated it is crazy. NEVER have I played a game with more bugs and terrible graphic / game play flaws.
I gave a raider with no helmet 3 straight point blank head shots in VATS and he bugged out , went sideways glitched up and DID NOT DIE .
I sat down to do that stupid test ( goat ) and it did not start. I tried again and no go. Third time it went . Pathetic .
I killed that chicks dad and she just walks by in the hallway like whatever and says " How could you kill my dad or some garbage".
The fighting is LAME. The graphics are POOR . This game BLOWS .
I am posting this as a warning to ALL who may buy this game.
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