Some people may love New Vegas over FO3 and vice versa.Both games are great, but IMO I would have to say Fallout 3 Goes waay harder than New Vegas does. I feels as if FNV was downscaled a lot compaing to FO3 and let me explain why.
- You could have over 2 party members (The Ghoul, The Whore (lol) who wanted to escape her pimp, Fawkes, and The Dog all at one time)
- Montain climb (jumping on the hill non stop to get to the top or jump from rock to rock)
- When you attack on VATS Mode, no one can attack you until your attack is done. (On NV they will attack you reguardless)
- FO3 seemed WAYY more bigger and had more things to do comparing to New Vegas.
- The RAD infections weren't as high and crazy
- Every time you leveled up you could gain a perk (on FNV its 1 once every 2 level ups)
- The Barter Glitch (where if you sold the same item the store clerk has and you had an extra one yourself, you could make money for free by buying it and selling it again. . Complicted, go on youtube for it if you are interested)
More thing most likely, but I believe FO3 was worked on wayy harder comparing to New Vegas. But They are both good.
What do you guys think ?
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