I know some of you reading this will probably get mad and say I offended you or something knowing very well I'm not trying to. I'm always getting those stupid messages saying I annoyyed or made someone upset. When it comes down to stuff like movies, video games, or even music. I'm pretty nuetral about that kind of stuff meaning I don't take sides at all.
But nobody will ever stop me from speaking my mind or my opinion about something. Now what I have seen so far is all PS3 exclusive titles switch over to the XBOX360 why is that? I mean I didn't think for a second Resident Evil 5 would also come to XBOX 360, this is great! Because now I get the option of playing allot of great games for a cheap price. Although I could care less about Devil May Cry 4, but Metal Gear 4 is one of those games I'll never get to play which is why I spoiled half of the game by watching it on youtube.com So chances are if I got a PS3 console and played the game. I'd pretty much know everything thats going on or how everything works.
I've always owned one console while my brother would have the other. In the 1990s I had a Sega and my brother had the Super Nintendo. Later on he got a PSX and I got a Nintendo 64. Then he bought the PS2 and I bought an Xbox. Now I'm thinking of getting a Xbox 360 and he'll most likely get a PS3. So it was like exclusives didn't exist. If I had Streets of Rage he would have Final Fight. And if I had Sonic the hedge hog he would have Super Mario.
To me its a great choice to just have the Xbox 360. Cheap, and all PS3 exclusives are coming to it. All except for 2.
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