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A FFVII remake is due... and I'm not even a graphics me its not even about graphics...just about bringing an updated version of that amazing game to the new generation of gamers who missed it or lost there copy(like me). I really wouldnt care at all if all they did was updated graphics and exact same gameplay...^_^ grr i miss this game...
[QUOTE="GreenGoblin2099"]A FFVII remake is due... and I'm not even a graphics me its not even about graphics...just about bringing an updated version of that amazing game to the new generation of gamers who missed it or lost there copy(like me). I really wouldnt care at all if all they did was updated graphics and exact same gameplay...^_^ grr i miss this game...
I'm kinda in the same situation: I did play it back then but it wasn't mine. It was from my brother in law, so I assumed it was always gonna have it at hand... but the sucker sold it and now I'm screwed :evil:
I doubt a remake. I mean, the only thing that would be altered would be that there's no disk swap, so it won't ask for it.Denji
A remake would be a massive seller as well as a catalyst for a major increase in PS3 console sales. These two business-focused points keep the possibility of a remake alive.
[QUOTE="Denji"]I doubt a remake. I mean, the only thing that would be altered would be that there's no disk swap, so it won't ask for it.NanakiNebula
A remake would be a massive seller as well as a catalyst for a major increase in PS3 console sales. These two business-focused points keep the possibility of a remake alive.
And yet maybe not. Maybe Square is afraid of how the game has aged? Ever play Blue Dragon? Mixed reviews all over the place and the sales were mediocre. FF7 is from a different time...a MUCH different time. Today's gamers don't want to play the games us older gamers did, they just pretend they do. They were raised on WoW and FF12, no love for good ol' FF7.
Who knows what the real reason is.
[QUOTE="Denji"]I doubt a remake. I mean, the only thing that would be altered would be that there's no disk swap, so it won't ask for it.NanakiNebula
A remake would be a massive seller as well as a catalyst for a major increase in PS3 console sales. These two business-focused points keep the possibility of a remake alive.
Agreed. The fallout from the tech demo more or less spelled it out for them. The fact that people are STILL talking about the possibility of a FF7 remake is pretty impressive, I'll add.
Square-Enix does a lot of remakes too... FF 1&2 is on PS1, GBA and PSP. FF 3 is on DS. FF 4 (and I think 5 and 6) are being brought to the DS in Japan, possibly later to the US. Square-Enix is also remaking some of the Dragon Quest games on DS for the Japanese market... and I REALLY hope those make it to the US. I love Dragon Quest even more than Final Fantasy... other than VII anyway. VII was just flat-out epic. It was probably the first game that really "wowed" me, and I've been playing games since the Intellivision. GTA III was probably the second.
[QUOTE="NanakiNebula"][QUOTE="Denji"]I doubt a remake. I mean, the only thing that would be altered would be that there's no disk swap, so it won't ask for it.TheSystemLord1
A remake would be a massive seller as well as a catalyst for a major increase in PS3 console sales. These two business-focused points keep the possibility of a remake alive.
And yet maybe not. Maybe Square is afraid of how the game has aged? Ever play Blue Dragon? Mixed reviews all over the place and the sales were mediocre. FF7 is from a different time...a MUCH different time. Today's gamers don't want to play the games us older gamers did, they just pretend they do. They were raised on WoW and FF12, no love for good ol' FF7.
Who knows what the real reason is.
I've learned that gamers these days care more about graphics than my generation (I'm 27)... so, have FFVII with some beatiful graphics and any gamer today would buy it in no time.
I've learned that gamers these days care more about graphics than my generation (I'm 27)... so, have FFVII with some beatiful graphics and any gamer today would buy it in no time. GreenGoblin2099
Therein lies the problem. Beautiful graphics wouldn't necessarily work on this generation's hardware. Do you remember Final Fantasy 7's Overworld? It was huge. HUGE. To re-do that entire mess with even decent graphics would bend the PS3 over.
[QUOTE="TheSystemLord1"][QUOTE="NanakiNebula"][QUOTE="Denji"]I doubt a remake. I mean, the only thing that would be altered would be that there's no disk swap, so it won't ask for it.GreenGoblin2099
A remake would be a massive seller as well as a catalyst for a major increase in PS3 console sales. These two business-focused points keep the possibility of a remake alive.
And yet maybe not. Maybe Square is afraid of how the game has aged? Ever play Blue Dragon? Mixed reviews all over the place and the sales were mediocre. FF7 is from a different time...a MUCH different time. Today's gamers don't want to play the games us older gamers did, they just pretend they do. They were raised on WoW and FF12, no love for good ol' FF7.
Who knows what the real reason is.
I've learned that gamers these days care more about graphics than my generation (I'm 27)... so, have FFVII with some beatiful graphics and any gamer today would buy it in no time.
Yeah that's the problem. I'm 28 myself and you and I pretty much come from an era where graphics were blocks with a 3 colour pallete. We've come to appreciate games a lot more for what they truely are. Kids these days are spoiled with advanced graphics and physics and so on. Final Fantasy 7 is from a mid era, where kids today still wouldn't understand. They would have to give FF7 a major overhaul, potentially "fixing" something that isn't broken. FF7 is such a big title that I would assume Square doesn't want to screw with. I can honestly see if anything, a PSN download of the PS1 version minus the disk swaping. It would be better for them just to leave it alone and move on. People today who haven't experienced FF7 in it's hayday should play it in all it's original glory short from being on a physical disk.
The industry "insider" Surfer Girl said that SE will be re-releasing their games on PSN with "graphical tweaks". She mentioned Final Fantasy VII specifically. She's said things before that have turned out right. Who knows?dewmandew7
Probley add shadowing and hands:P
[QUOTE="NanakiNebula"][QUOTE="Denji"]I doubt a remake. I mean, the only thing that would be altered would be that there's no disk swap, so it won't ask for it.TheSystemLord1
A remake would be a massive seller as well as a catalyst for a major increase in PS3 console sales. These two business-focused points keep the possibility of a remake alive.
And yet maybe not. Maybe Square is afraid of how the game has aged? Ever play Blue Dragon? Mixed reviews all over the place and the sales were mediocre. FF7 is from a different time...a MUCH different time. Today's gamers don't want to play the games us older gamers did, they just pretend they do. They were raised on WoW and FF12, no love for good ol' FF7.
Who knows what the real reason is.
Generic_Dude's post basically reflect's my thoughts. The response to the tech demo is a solid barometer for the potential sales of an FFVII remake. In truth, Square has little to lose and a colossal deal to gain.
I'm much more excited about FFXIII and Versus than I would be if they were gonna release a remake of FFVII. I love FFVII, and other than VI and Tactics, I think it's the best one. However, I have also played VII and beat it about 6 times. That's about 400-500 hours of gameplay, that's enough for me. I guess I just don't need the same game again, but with prettier graphics.
Don't get me wrong, I like next gen top quality graphics (like FFXIII) as much as the next person, but I don't need them to redo a game just to get that and only that. Some of you are saying they should redo it with the graphics so people that can't appreciate the game nowadays without the next gen look would play it. Those people don't deserve FFVII, period. I say the same thing to people that love FFVII but didn't like or didn't play VI because it had SNES graphics, you don't deserve FFVI.
The person that said they can do a remake since they did remakes of 1 and 2 and such, it's not even close to the same thing. Redoing an entire game with ps3 top quality graphics is far more than redoing an NES game to slightly better graphics, not to even mention that FFVII has about 100x more to redo. Either way, I would much rather Sqenix concentrate their efforts on new FFs and a new Dragon Quest (for the ps3, not the DS one...which, btw, what is DQIX doing coming out for a handheld?...I would understand a side-game, but not the next chapter in the series. I'm not big on handhelds, and I loved DQ8...bastards:P ).
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