Hello, onde again i come seek for help.
This time is about Treasure Hunt Trophy.
The 1st time i completed the game i sold the elemental rings and only realized i made a mistake when the little robot bhakit didnt give me the trophy.
So i started a new game skipping scene after scene in a rush to Gran Pulse Chp. 11.
Untill Chp. 11 i opened every treasure chest and in Gran Pulse i only opened the ones with the elemental rings and caught some in Taejins tower Along the way.
i went to http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Final_Fantasy_XIII_Accessories to confirm every acessory and in my 1st saved game the elemental rings were the only thing missing and the elemental charms ( but those can be upgraded to twenty sided die so they dont need to be upgraded to count aslong as you have a twenty sided die in the end )
In my 2nd saved game the only thing i did was upgrading the elemental rings to their cap stage but didnt maxed out its exp.
I gathered every piece to fix Bhakit talked to him, and quitted the game right after, loaded my 1st save talked to bhakit and still says im missing something.
Do i need to have all the items and weapons ( only 1 t3 per char ) to its max exp in order to get the trophy?
Do i need to save my 2nd saved game after i talk to bhakit in order to be in data base that i have the elemental rings now?
Once again thanks for the help.
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