[QUOTE="Scianix-Black"][QUOTE="Cross-Edge"] Excuse me; I don't mean ANY disrespect, but that's a weak argument. Those "free" MMO's littered throughout the internet rely HEAVILY on donations, and without these donations there wouldn't be enough finances to further support operations.Cross-Edge
Donations =/= fees.
You see, if FFXIV relied on on donations, then I'd support it, but it doesn't. It relies on a fee that you are required to pay in order to play.
You're right!Relying on donations does seem to be the route to go, but donations can only carry you so far. Think of it this way. That nominal monthly fee is ensuring you that the servers are operational, well maintained, and up-to-date not to mention it's funding the developer to develop more content. That's all I'm getting at. Otherwise you are absolutely right.
Holy crap... wait, what?
I'm... right? You gotta be screwing with my head right now... no one ever says that on the internet. Ever.
Are you a female or do you just actually understand what I'm saying? Or both? Wow, I didn't even think people like you existed on the internet... I always picture an egotistical nerd behind the other keyboard, but someone who's willing to admit when someone else is right?
I never thought I'd see the day... and don't mistake my astonishment for mockery, because it's not. Far from it.
But, I digress... I'm just not going to buy it. Fee, donation, whatever - I wasn't ever really interested in Final Fantasy XIV to begin with.
...I just like to argue.
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