Which title are you more excited for if you had to choose? I'd have to say Versus from what I've seen on it so far. FFXII still looks good but Versus sold me from its trailer.
Being a BIG FF fan that I am I will buy both but I'm definitely more exciteed for vs13 ever since I saw the trailer a few months ago. I just like the dark feel of the game and the fact that its more action orientated. No doubt both titles will be amazing and well worth a purchase... in 2010 :P
personally its Versus for me mainly becos i like idea given from the trailer; modern weapons vs ancient, blue-haired guy who fight (dare I say it) on par with sephiroth
I've always favoured Action RPG's, so at the moment Versus. Having said that I haven't played a non-Action RPG in years so my preference could change, really exited for both though, too bad they're not going to be out for ages.
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