I'm a big fan of both sports but which is better gameplay wise?
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Persoanally I just have the UFC demo and whenever I get frustrated I load it up and beat the living **** out of Shogun Rou a few times until I calm down. No need to buy the full game for me. Fight Night on the other hand interest me more, though I enjoyed Round 3 much more than I'm enjoying Round 4.
I'd have to say UFC, its very technical and extremely fun to play.
Game was good enough to hook me on UFC and to start watching it on TV. Its that good.
I have not played Fight Night 4 as much, but I find its very easy just to spam punches.
However there is a technical side to it, but not as much as UFC.
Both beat the standerd Street Fighter beat'em ups in my opinion.
Definitely comes down to personal preference.
I also like both sports however I chose Fight Night Round 4 since I love Boxing, take real life gym lessons (hobby :P) and Fight Night Series is my favorite fighting game. ;)
ok i got fight night round 4 today and it sucks balls, its like u cant do **** wen u play someone, the punches u try to throw half the time ur fighter doesnt even throw them, ppl get lucky by throwing corny haymakers, ufc, is 1 million times better, cus u atleast have buttons
I, too, am a fan of both sports, though, to be honest, I'm a much bigger fan of MMA than I am a fan of Boxing.
As for which game I like better, well they're hardly comparable. As different as both sports are in real life, so too are they in video game form. They offer very different experiences.
That being said, in terms of fun factor, I personally enjoy UFC 2009 Undisputed far more.
after playing quite a bit of Fight Night 4 I was really unimpressed at how the game truely plays. It feels many times more arcadey than the older fight nights before. Seems like 8/10 times you just go in swinging and getting counter punches ... so many hits going in that its unbelievable. I would go with UFC2009, feels like there is more depth to it.ColdfireTrilogy
More Arcady?, you either don't know thing about boxing, or never played another FN game. Constant haymakers, and gay parries are nothing like real boxing. Also, UFC's main downside is that it doesn't have much depth, the career, is kindarepetitive, but to each his own.
i'm a big fan of both as well... i enjoyed UFC Undisputed 2009 a lot more, it rocks!!! FNR is good as well though, get 'em both if you can... you'll appreciate them, especially that you're a fan.I'm a big fan of both sports but which is better gameplay wise?
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